More and more companies are using Supervision to achieve their goals and solve certain problems. The pressure (crisis, hierarchy, profitability), interpersonal conflicts, lack of career development, lack of recognition, high absenteeism or burnout are factors that can create a bad working environment. So many problems that negatively affect the results of the company. Employees of a company are its main resource: if they feel good, they are efficient, and if they are effective, the company is performing well.
Supervision in companies consists of individual or collective coaching.
Coach Supervision
As with all coaching professions, coaches also need to reflect on their practice, their posture and develop their own internal observer. But this is only possible with a trusted partner who is trained in Coach Supervision.
As a Coach Supervisor, my role will be to accompany you in your thinking and looking for who you are as a coach. According to the saying “you coach, depending on who you are”, only the awareness of who you are, the awareness of your practice and the awareness of your emotions will allow you to develop as a professional coach.
Group Supervision
You are an association, project group, work in coaching people and you want to work with a supervisor? Our supervisors will accompany you as an external partner and allow you to reflect on your relationship with your customers and your own self-observer.