GenerativeHub is the coaching boutique for people who want to explore and make transformational changes in their professional and / or private lives.

The word Generative means creating something new, which goes beyond what has ever existed. It is the meeting point of our what, our when, our for what and for whom. At the heart of the process is attention to “the state” of a person, as the main difference that makes the difference. This is what will enable people to discover and exploit their extraordinary power and to become the inspiring person they want to be.

GenerativeHub focuses on how to develop a generative state, meaning developing a creative response to all existing challenges as well as a deep connection to their own positive resources. We also focus on how to maintain this state throughout a creative process so that new and meaningful results can occur for the individual and allow for change at the deepest level of identity where beliefs and visions coexist.

GenerativeHub allows those who wish to create new possibilities, aligning their conscious with their unconscious, and then to move on to new levels of creativity, previously unimaginable. We use sophisticated approaches to support people who want to transform their way of thinking, feeling, reacting and creating their lives. We allow people who improve their productivity, deepen their well-being and become aware of their own values.

GenerativeHub proposes to work with leaders, managers, young talents and much more, and to accompany them in their environment, which is certainly uncertain, but which can be rich in teaching, challenges and opportunities that promote deep transformational change.